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Upload your document or text and place your order here.

Do you need personal help or advice?

Contact us by email, and we will be happy to help you.

Certified translations of passports online

Certified translations of passports into and from 25 languages ​– directly online

If you need translators immediately for your passport who can certify their work, we are the solution. With more than 1,000 sworn translators, we are able to quickly translate your documents – whether these are passports or any other type of travel documents.

Certified translations online

We process all kinds of translations with a quality guarantee – from the fields of medicine, technology or law to certified translations of court judgements, contracts and agreements, job references, extracts from commercial registers, passports and other documents.

Translations with our quality guarantee

The Native Translator is certified in accordance with the ISO 17100 standard. Our work is regularly reviewed by the Austrian Standards Institute, the international certification body for this purpose.  This means that as our valued customer, you are provided with the highest level of confidence in our work.

Confidentiality goes without saying for us

We frequently have access to sensitive information and do of course ensure compliance with the highest levels of confidentiality. 

In order to receive further information, you can contact us at any time round the clock by email.

You can obtain your offer directly here online under show quote  and also place your order for your translation.

The Native Translator is a translation agency that is certified in accordance with ISO 17100 and specialises in the provision of translations with a quality guarantee directly via the Internet

These companies believe in our quality:
