It is not a matter of getting in touch with a translation bureau, when you write an e-mail to a company and wait for hours (sometimes even days) to receive an offer from them.
Rather, this is an automated system, where you get an offer for the piece you want translated in just one minute and, should the price meet with your requirements, you can submit your document straight away. The system selects a suitable translator for your requirements – in this connection the language pair and the specialist area of the text are identified - and your text is forwarded immediately for translation. "Native Translator" pays a great deal of attention to speed and a very high level of quality. Upon submitting a text you receive information straight away as to when you can expect to receive your translation. As soon as the translator has finished you will be sent the finished document.
A good translation is not a word-by-word translation; it is a translation of the meaning of the content where the tone and style in the writing is translated too. When translating from English to German or any other language combination one need to understand that the way an Englishman expresses himself differs from the way a German would and therefore it is impossible to make a word by word or sentence by sentence translation from English to German or any and think that the translation will come out correct and be understood as it was written in the original text.
A good translation is a translation of the meaning not a translation of words.
Therefore a machine translation will never be able to transmit the same tone as the original text and therefore not correct as the machine does not understand the meaning just the words and can with mathematical precision puzzle them together but it will never be a correct translation. Words have often double meanings and the machine does not have the algorithm to differentiate between them. A machine are not really able to translate good English humour into German humour, it doesn’t even have a sense of humour.
Native translators i.e. real human beings can only make correct document translation with intelligence, knowledge, skills and humour. A person who every day live and breathe the language.